Friday, September 21, 2007

Grandpa buys a new baby stroller Part 2

So we started our search for a baby stroller that had the flexibility of providing shade to the baby no matter what direction we were walking or what direction the sun was shining.

We figured that if we wanted it for our babies then there must be other people that wanted the same for their babies.

Everyone is so concerned, and rightly so about the damaging effects of the sun rays, and we want to do whatever we can to protect our babies from direct sunlight.

We sent away for literature about different stroller designs and browse the internet looking for a baby stroller that was quality built and had the capability to easily change the positioning of the stroller cover so that the baby would never be in direct sunshine.

After much searching we came across a series of strollers made by a company called Dreamer Design.

The Dreamer Design series of strollers all come equipped with a ‘patented’ sun canopy that swivels 360 degrees when desired to protect the baby from the sun.

All you have to do to change the angle is pull on a strip of Velcro and then tilt the sun canopy in another direction. It can be done in a second or less. It is so easy.

The Dreamer Design strollers are quality built. They have a 5 year warranty on the frame—and some of their models even have a 20 year warranty.

They are also affordable—the last expensive single stroller is only $229 freight included and the most expensive single stroller is $339 freight included.

They have double strollers as well—the last expensive double stroller is only $379 freight included and the most expensive double stroller is $449 freight included.

Further details can be found at .

We have the Manhattan Lite for Holden and we have already purchased the Manhattan deluxe for our new yet-to-be-born granddaughter.

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