Thursday, August 28, 2008

Staying Active During Pregnancy - 5 Great Tips

by Jen Stoddart

Being pregnant can be tough - especially if you are used to being active. I know how tough it can be because I experience the difficulty of trying to stay fit even while pregnant.

When I became pregnant with my first child, almost two years ago, I decided that I wanted to continue my active lifestyle. I had always been an active person. I loved to run, walk, swim, and canoe, amongst other things. I thought that if I continued to be active through my pregnancy, I would just increase the chances that I would have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

I was caught by surprise by how tired I was during the pregnancy - and as I started to put a few extra pounds on it became easier and easier to `pass` on any form of exercising. It was long that I decided I was going to make a promise to myself to get back to being active for as long as possible while I was expecting our son.

Here is my advice for keeping active during your pregnancy...

1. No time like the present. If you are still in the first part of the pregnancy try to get active right away. It may be as simple as an evening walk through the neighbourhood. The sooner you start the easier it will be as you progress through your expectancy.

2. Have your partner commit to help you be active. Your partner doesn't have to participate in the physical activity with you, but they should be supportive of the time you need to be active, as well as encouraging you to be active as regularly as possible.

3. Most of us know people or have family members that enjoy running, swimming or walking. Invite one or two of them to join you on a regular basis to exercise with you. My dad and I became running partners. Each week we would identify three days that we would run together - and we both kept the schedule. We would run 5 km. together. Knowing that someone else has your exercise time in their schedule makes it very difficult to `bail-out` on exercising.

4. Set goals. Losing weight should not be a goal you set for yourself in pregnancy, because weight gain is healthy and very important for you and the baby's well being. Instead set goals like: participate in a road race, participate in a fundraiser that involves being active (like a walk-a-thon), or be active 3 times a week, for at least 30 minutes each time. This will help keep you motivated to keep going, even on those days you would rather have a nap.

5. Mix it up. Maybe today you will swim some laps at the local YMCA; and then tomorrow you will take a brisk 30 minute walk through the neighbourhood; and maybe later in the week take an hour-long bicycle ride. Try different things - they are all beneficial and it reduces the boredom of doing the same activity over and over again.

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